Why You Need the App
Do you use waiting as an OPPORTUNITY to build crucial brain connections, life skills and strengthen relationships?
Most parents do not think of waiting as time that can be used to for such important purposes.
When waiting with your child in a line or at a restaurant, or to relieve boredom and pass the time, what best describes your parenting practice?
Have child do something on my phone; movie, game etc.
Play some kind of game with your child like “I Spy” or another activity like a song or story
You look at your phone and let them figure it out. In other words, you don’t do anything
Most parents do not feel confident in their abilities to wait longer than 10 minutes with children without giving them a screen to look at. They do not have ideas of what to do instead.
The WHILE WE’RE WAITING APP is a tool for doing just that!
If screen use isn’t good for my child, why should I get an app?
It would seem getting an app that must be used on a screen is the exact opposite of a screen free alternative. However, the app is a tool, always in your hand, that contains the activity ideas, instructions, age ranges, and mental and physical benefits to the activities.
The app allows you to choose the waiting situation you are in, THEN gives the activity choices specifically for that situation, THEN after the activity is chosen, and instructions are read, the screen is NO LONGER NEEDED AND PARENTS AND CHILDREN DO THE ACTIVIITES TOGETHER THUS CREATING THE OPPORTUNITY FOR STRENGTHENED RELATIONSHIPS AND POSITIVE INTERACTIONS.
ALL THE ACTIVITES ARE SCREEN FREE AND REQUIRE NO PROPS (except for a few where props would be readily accessible in a purse, pocket or in the setting- such as a restaurant).